Splinting and Bandaging
In the Fall 2014 edition of The Gold Cross Magazine, the CEU article "Bandaging" discusses the skills in detail. To learn the skills please read.
In the Fall 2014 edition of The Gold Cross Magazine, the CEU article "Bandaging" discusses the skills in detail. To learn the skills please read.
14_fall_bandagingb.pdf |
These CEU articles are copies of the originals that ran in The Gold Cross Magazine. Neither the NJSFAC, Leonard Publications or Entrix Systems is responsible for updating the content to reflect any protocols that may have changed or evolved since the time that they were originally published.
Hip Injuries
Splinting a hip fracture YouTube.
Sam Splints
Information and uses for the Sam Splint
Splinting a hip fracture YouTube.
Sam Splints
Information and uses for the Sam Splint
Splinting and Bandaging
This is an old manual from the Department of The Army Regarding Field Dressings. It cover the use of cravats and other dressings. It is information that is well worth your reading time. https://fas.org/irp/doddir/milmed/bandage.pdf
This is an old manual from the Department of The Army Regarding Field Dressings. It cover the use of cravats and other dressings. It is information that is well worth your reading time. https://fas.org/irp/doddir/milmed/bandage.pdf
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