Requirements for recertification for an EMT who is presently certified:
- Possession of a valid EMT and CPR certifications.
- Successful completion and documentation of approved continuing education units consisting of 24 core (or refresher) credit hours (parts A, B and C) and 24 elective credit hours.
- These 48 continuing education hours shall be accrued over the 36 month period immediately prior to recertification.
- All continuing education requirements and recertification requests shall be completed prior to midnight of the expiration date listed on the certification card.
- Requests for recertification may be made no earlier than 6 months prior to the expiration date listed on the certification card, provided that all recertification requirements have been met.
Requirements for recertification for an EMT with an expired certification:
- Successful completion and documentation of approved continuing education units consisting of 24 core (or refresher) credit hours (parts A, B and C).
- Upon completion of above, the candidate must schedule and pass the State written examination.
Visit State of NJ EMS Site, then "Transcripts" and then under "Registered Training". Look to the right of the table and you will see "Options" and select "Certificate" that can be printed.
You may also go to "My Courses" then select "Student Transcript".
To Recertify:
State of NJ EMS site for (Previously
The transcript that can be found here is a record of your activity limited to:
1. Certification Classes which you have/have not successfully completed (Recert A,B,C)
2. Certification Exams which you have/have not passed.
3. Online NJEMS-hosted Electives which you have/have not successfully completed.
Login with your 6 digit EMT ID Number for User Name and PW.
Your will find the directions for submitting and confirming information needed and links for recertification.
You will be prompted to:
- Affirm that all of the information you provided is true and correct.
- Verify that you understand that any misrepresentation of fact may be grounds to deny or revoke your NJ EMS certification/endorsement/license.
- You will have to certify that you have successfully completed the recertification requirements as stated in the current New Jersey EMS Regulations.
- You will have to confirm that you understand that you may be subject to a random audit by the Office of Emergency Medical Services, and if it is determined that you have falsely reported your legal status, the existence of a criminal background, information concerning any certification, endorsement or licensure status granted by any and/or all jurisdictions at any time, and/or recertification/re-endorsement documentation as outlined in NJ regulation, your EMS certification/endorsement may be revoked. NOTE: ONLY NJ-OEMS APPROVED COURSES MAY BE USED FOR EMT RECERTIFICATION.
Just a reminder that all forms MUST have an original signature from an Ambulance Squad Officer (preferably in blue ink). The Ambulance Squad Officer is attesting to the 3 requirements for using the EMT Training Fund Form as outline on EMS-62. No copies, stamps, scans, or electronic signatures will be accepted. Also, an Ambulance Squad Officer cannot sign EMS-62 for themselves. The principal signature must not be the student. Download the State Form EMS-62 below.
ems-62.pdf |
According to the State, audit letters will go out starting approximately 45 days after recert date. The State advises that each EMT holds on to all of their documentation. This documentation should include ALL CEUs AND RECERT A, B and C COURSES. You should obtain a DOH CEU number from any instructor that provided a course that you have taken. If the instructor does not give them some type of written receipt, they should at least get the DOH CEU course number and record it along with date, location and instructor's name and keep it on file.
You can also use for
Mailing Address:
NJ Department of Health
Office of Emergency Medical Services
PO Box 360
Trenton, NJ 08625-0360
OEMS Physical Address: (for UPS, FedEx, Visitors)
NJ Department of Health
Office of EMS
[500-599] John Fitch Way
Market and Warren Streets
Trenton, NJ 08611
OEMS Telephone Number: (609) 633-7777
OEMS FAX Number: (609) 633-7954
According to the State, audit letters will go out starting approximately 45 days after recert date. The State advises that each EMT holds on to all of their documentation. This documentation should include ALL CEUs AND RECERT A, B and C COURSES. You should obtain a DOH CEU number from any instructor that provided a course that you have taken. If the instructor does not give them some type of written receipt, they should at least get the DOH CEU course number and record it along with date, location and instructor's name and keep it on file.
You can also use for
- Creating an account
- Updating your profile
- Applying for recertification
- Applying for reciprocity
- Verifying a certification
- Registering for a Refresher ("Core") class
Mailing Address:
NJ Department of Health
Office of Emergency Medical Services
PO Box 360
Trenton, NJ 08625-0360
OEMS Physical Address: (for UPS, FedEx, Visitors)
NJ Department of Health
Office of EMS
[500-599] John Fitch Way
Market and Warren Streets
Trenton, NJ 08611
OEMS Telephone Number: (609) 633-7777
OEMS FAX Number: (609) 633-7954