Oakland Volunteer First Aid Squad Welcomes New Ambulance
Thank you to all who donated during our annual fund drive mailing! Thanks to your generosity, our new ambulance is on its way. Thank you to the Mayor and Council for assisting us with this as well. We were able to inspect it for the weekend at our building and it is back at the shop for its final touches. (see picture) We hope to have it in service shortly.
We recently held a coin toss fund drive in front of our building. This was amazingly successful. It was cold but fun to see everyone and interact, not only with the residents that we serve, but also the out of town visitors. Once again, everyone was generous and good-natured as well!
With our funds depleted due to the new ambulance purchase, we need to build our finances back up for the next one. In 2005 we purchased two ambulances at the same time. We are offsetting the replacement this time to spread out the cost. Our building is also 50 years old and is in need of some significant work as well.
As of this date, we responded to 792 emergencies. At times we have both ambulances simultaneously responding to calls. We have over 40 dedicated riding members, and can always use more! Stop by our building on the first Monday of any month to get more information on joining. There is also a downloadable application on the town website. Check us out on Facebook too!
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We recently held a coin toss fund drive in front of our building. This was amazingly successful. It was cold but fun to see everyone and interact, not only with the residents that we serve, but also the out of town visitors. Once again, everyone was generous and good-natured as well!
With our funds depleted due to the new ambulance purchase, we need to build our finances back up for the next one. In 2005 we purchased two ambulances at the same time. We are offsetting the replacement this time to spread out the cost. Our building is also 50 years old and is in need of some significant work as well.
As of this date, we responded to 792 emergencies. At times we have both ambulances simultaneously responding to calls. We have over 40 dedicated riding members, and can always use more! Stop by our building on the first Monday of any month to get more information on joining. There is also a downloadable application on the town website. Check us out on Facebook too!
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